cloudflare wrangler

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🤠 wrangler

wrangler is a CLI tool designed for folks who are interested in using Cloudflare Workers.

*wrangler 是一个 CLI 工具,为那些对使用 Cloudflare Workers 感兴趣的人设计。*

Wrangler Demo (Wrangler 样例)

Installation (安装)

You have many options to install wrangler!


Install with npm (通过npm安装)

We strongly recommend , install npm with a Node version manager like [nvm](, which puts the global node_modules in your home directory to eliminate permissions issues with npm install -g.

我们强烈建议你用像nvm这样的Node版本管理器来安装npm,它将全局node_modules放在你的主目录下,以消除npm install -g的权限问题。

Distribution-packaged npm installs often use /usr/lib/node_modules (which is root) for globally installed npm packages, and running npm install -g as root prevents wrangler from installing properly.

分发包的npm安装通常使用/usr/lib/node_modules(也就是root)来安装全局的npm包,以root身份运行npm install -g会阻止wrangler的正常安装。

Once you’ve installed nvm and configured your system to use the nvm managed node install, run:

一旦你已经安装好nvm 并配置了系统以使用nvm管理node安装,运行

npm i @cloudflare/wrangler -g

If you are running an ARM based system (eg Raspberry Pi, Pinebook) you’ll need to use the cargo installation method listed below to build wrangler from source.

如果你运行的是一个基于ARM的系统(eg Raspberry Pi, pinebook)


Specify binary location (指定二进制位置)

In case you need wrangler’s npm installer to place the binary in a non-default location (such as when using wrangler in CI), you can use the following configuration options to specify an install location:


  • Environment variable: WRANGLER_INSTALL_PATH


  • NPM configuration: wrangler_install_path

  • NPM配置:wrangler_install_path

Specify binary site URL (指定二进制站点url

In case you need to store/mirror binaries on premise you will need to specify where wrangler should search for them by providing any of the following:


  • Environment variable: WRANGLER_BINARY_HOST


  • NPM configuration: wrangler_binary_host

    NPM配置: wrangler_binary_host

Install with cargo (通过cargo安装)

cargo install wrangler

If you don’t have cargo or npm installed, you will need to follow these additional instructions.

如果你没有安装cargo or npm,你需要遵循下面这些额外说明

Install on Windows (在windows上安装)

perl is an external dependency of crate openssl-sys. If installing wrangler with cargo, you will need to have perl installed. We’ve tested with Strawberry Perl. If you instead install perl via scoop, you may need to also run scoop install openssl in order to get the necessary openssl dlls. Installing wrangler with npm instead of cargo is another option if you don’t want to install perl.

perl 是crate openssl-sys的一个外部依赖项。如果你通过cargo安装wrangler,你将需要去安装perl。我们已经用Strawberry Perl进行了测试。如果你转而通过scoop install perl,你可能需要同时运行scoop install openssl,以便获得必要的openssl dlls。如果你不想安装perl,用npm而不是cargo安装wrangler是另一个选择。

Updating (更新)

For information regarding updating Wrangler, click here.


Getting Started (入门)

Once you have installed Wrangler, spinning up and deploying your first Worker is easy!


$ wrangler generate my-worker
$ cd my-worker
# update your wrangler.toml with your Cloudflare Account ID
$ wrangler config
$ wrangler publish

🎙️ Top Level Commands (最高级别的命令

👯 generate生成

Scaffold a project, including boilerplate code for a Rust library and a Cloudflare Worker.

构建一个项目的支架,包括Rust库和Cloudflare Worker的模板代码。

wrangler generate <name> <template> --type=["webpack", "javascript", "rust"]

All of the arguments and flags to this command are optional:


  • name: defaults to worker
  • template: defaults to the [](
  • type: defaults to javascript based on the “worker-template”

📥 init (初始化)

Creates a skeleton wrangler.toml in an existing directory. This can be used as an alternative to generate if you prefer to clone a repository yourself.


wrangler init <name> --type=["webpack", "javascript", "rust"]

All of the arguments and flags to this command are optional:


  • name: defaults to the name of your working directory


  • type: defaults to “webpack”.

    默认 “webpack”

🦀⚙️ build构建

Build your project. This command looks at your wrangler.toml file and runs the build steps associated with the "type" declared there.

Additionally, you can configure different environments.


🔓 login登录

Authorize Wrangler with your Cloudflare login. This will prompt you with a Cloudflare account login page and a permissions consent page. This command is the alternative to wrangler config and it uses OAuth tokens.

用你的 Cloudflare 登录来授权 Wrangler。这将提示你一个Cloudflare账户登录页面和一个权限同意页面。这个命令是wrangler config的替代方案,它使用OAuth令牌。

wrangler login --scopes-list --scopes <scopes>

All of the arguments and flags to this command are optional:


  • scopes-list: list all the available OAuth scopes with descriptions.


  • scopes: allows to choose your set of OAuth scopes.


Read more about this command in Wrangler Login Documentation.

Wrangler Login Documentation中阅读更多关于此命令的信息

🔧 config (配置)

Authenticate Wrangler with a Cloudflare API Token. This is an interactive command that will prompt you for your API token:

用Cloudflare API令牌认证Wrangler。这是一个交互式命令,将提示你提供你的 API 令牌。

wrangler configEnter API token:superlongapitoken

You can also provide your email and global API key (this is not recommended for security reasons):


wrangler config --api-keyEnter email:testuser@example.comEnter global API key:superlongapikey

You can also use environment variables to configure these values.

你也可以use environment variables 来配置这些值。

☁️ 🆙 publish (发布)

Publish your Worker to Cloudflare. Several keys in your wrangler.toml determine whether you are publishing to a subdomain or your own registered domain, proxied through Cloudflare.

将你的 Worker 发布到 Cloudflare。你的 wrangler.toml 中的几个键决定了你是发布到 子域还是你自己的通过 Cloudflare 代理注册域。

Additionally, you can configure different environments.

此外,你可以配置不同的 environments.

You can also use environment variables to handle authentication when you publish a Worker.


# e.g.CF_API_TOKEN=superlongtoken wrangler publish# where# $CF_API_TOKEN -> your Cloudflare API tokenCF_API_KEY=superlongapikey wrangler publish# where# $CF_API_KEY -> your Cloudflare API key# $CF_EMAIL -> your Cloudflare account email

🗂 kv

Interact with your Workers KV store. This is actually a whole suite of subcommands. Read more about in Wrangler KV Documentation.

与你的Workers KV商店进行互动。这实际上是一整套的子命令。在Wrangler KV Documentation中阅读更多内容。

👂 dev

wrangler dev works very similarly to wrangler preview except that instead of opening your browser to preview your worker, it will start a server on localhost that will execute your worker on incoming HTTP requests. From there you can use cURL, Postman, your browser, or any other HTTP client to test the behavior of your worker before publishing it.

wrangler dev 的工作原理与 wrangler preview 非常相似,只是它不会打开浏览器来预览您的 Worker,而是会在 localhost 上启动一个服务器,该服务器会在传入的 HTTP 请求中执行您的 Worker。在那里,您可以使用 cURL、Postman、您的浏览器或任何其他 HTTP 客户端,在发布之前测试您的 Worker 的行为。

You should run wrangler dev from your worker directory, and if your worker makes any requests to a backend, you should specify the host with --host

你应该从你的工作者目录中运行 wrangler dev,如果你的工作者向后端发出任何请求,你应该用 --host 指定主机。

From here you should be able to send HTTP requests to localhost:8787 along with any headers and paths, and your worker should execute as expected. Additionally, you should see console.log messages and exceptions appearing in your terminal.

在这里,您应该能够向 localhost:8787发送 HTTP 请求以及任何头信息和路径,并且您的工作者应该按照预期执行。此外,你应该看到终端中出现 console.log 消息和异常情况。

👂 Listening on http://localhost:8787[2020-02-18 19:37:08] GET HTTP/1.1 200 OK

All of the arguments and flags to this command are optional:


  • env: environment to build


  • host: domain to test behind your worker. defaults to


  • ip: ip to listen on. defaults to localhost


  • port: port to listen on. defaults to 8787


Additional Documentation (附件文件)

All information regarding wrangler or Cloudflare Workers is located in the Cloudflare Workers Developer Docs. This includes:

有关 wrangler 或 Cloudflare Workers 的所有信息都位于 Cloudflare Workers 开发者文档中。这包括。

  • Using wrangler commands


  • Wrangler configuration

    wrangler 配置

  • General documentation surrounding Workers development


  • All wrangler features such as Workers Sites and KV

    所有wrangler功能例如Workers Sites和KV

✨Workers Sites

To learn about deploying static assets using wrangler, see the Workers Sites Quickstart.

要了解使用wrangler部署静态资产的情况,请参阅Workers Sites Quickstart。