fst is a library for efficiently storing and searching ordered sets or maps where the keys are byte strings. A key design goal of this crate is to support storing and searching very large sets or maps (i.e., billions). This means that much effort has gone in to making sure that all operations are memory efficient.
Sets and maps are represented by a finite state machine, which acts as a form of compression on common prefixes and suffixes in the keys. Additionally, finite state machines can be efficiently queried with automata (like regular expressions or Levenshtein distance for fuzzy queries) or lexicographic ranges.
要阅读更多有关有限状态转换器机制的信息,包括此crate中使用的算法的参考书目,请参阅该 raw::Fst的文档。
To read more about the mechanics of finite state transducers, including a bibliography for algorithms used in this crate, see the docs for the raw::Fst type.
Simply add a corresponding entry to your Cargo.toml dependency list:
fst = "0.4"
The examples in this documentation will show the rest.
类型和模块概述 Overview of types and modules
这个 crate 在顶层模块中提供了高级抽象的集合和map。
This crate provides the high level abstractions—namely sets and maps—in the top-level module.
The set and map sub-modules contain types specific to sets and maps, such as range queries and streams.
The raw module permits direct interaction with finite state transducers. Namely, the states and transitions of a transducer can be directly accessed with the raw module.
示例:模糊查询 Example: fuzzy query
这个例子展示了如何在内存中创建一组字符串,然后执行一个模糊查询。即,查找与foo编辑距离为1的所有key。(编辑距离是从一个字符串到另一个字符串所需的字符插入、删除或替换的数量。在这种情况下,一个字符是一个 Unicode 代码点。注:如果对这块有疑问,可直接百度Levenshtein距离)
This example shows how to create a set of strings in memory, and then execute a fuzzy query. Namely, the query looks for all keys within an edit distance of 1 of foo. (Edit distance is the number of character insertions, deletions or substitutions required to get from one string to another. In this case, a character is a Unicode codepoint.)
This requires the levenshtein feature in this crate to be enabled. It is not enabled by default.
use fst::{IntoStreamer, Streamer, Set};
use fst::automaton::Levenshtein;
fn example() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
// A convenient way to create sets in memory.
let keys = vec!["fa", "fo", "fob", "focus", "foo", "food", "foul"];
let set = Set::from_iter(keys)?;
// Build our fuzzy query.
let lev = Levenshtein::new("foo", 1)?;
// Apply our fuzzy query to the set we built.
let mut stream = set.search(lev).into_stream();
let keys = stream.into_strs()?;
assert_eq!(keys, vec!["fo", "fob", "foo", "food"]);
Warning: Levenshtein automatons use a lot of memory
The construction of Levenshtein automatons should be consider “proof of concept” quality. Namely, they do just enough to be correct. But they haven’t had any effort put into them to be memory conscious.
请注意,如果 Levenshtein自动机变得太大将返回错误(堆使用量为数十 MB)。
Note that an error will be returned if a Levenshtein automaton gets too big (tens of MB in heap usage).
示例:使用文件流和内存映射以进行搜索 Example: stream to a file and memory map it for searching
This shows how to create a MapBuilder that will stream construction of the map to a file. Notably, this will never store the entire transducer in memory. Instead, only constant memory is required during construction.
在搜索阶段,我们使用 memmap crate 使文件可以&[u8]形式使用,而不必将其全部读入内存(操作系统会自动为您处理)。注:内存映射这块可参考memmp crate
For the search phase, we use the memmap crate to make the file available as a &[u8] without necessarily reading it all into memory (the operating system will automatically handle that for you).
use std::fs::File;
use std::io;
use fst::{IntoStreamer, Streamer, Map, MapBuilder};
use memmap::Mmap;
// This is where we'll write our map to.
let mut wtr = io::BufWriter::new(File::create("map.fst")?);
// Create a builder that can be used to insert new key-value pairs.
let mut build = MapBuilder::new(wtr)?;
build.insert("bruce", 1).unwrap();
build.insert("clarence", 2).unwrap();
build.insert("stevie", 3).unwrap();
// Finish construction of the map and flush its contents to disk.
// At this point, the map has been constructed. Now we'd like to search it.
// This creates a memory map, which enables searching the map without loading
// all of it into memory.
let mmap = unsafe { Mmap::map(&File::open("map.fst")?)? };
let map = Map::new(mmap)?;
// Query for keys that are greater than or equal to clarence.
let mut stream = map.range().ge("clarence").into_stream();
let kvs = stream.into_str_vec()?;
assert_eq!(kvs, vec![
("clarence".to_owned(), 2),
("stevie".to_owned(), 3),
示例:不区分大小写的搜索 Example: case insensitive search
我们可以使用正则表达式对集合执行不区分大小写的搜索。我们可以使用regex-automata crate将正则表达式编译成自动机:
We can perform case insensitive search on a set using a regular expression. We can use the regex-automata crate to compile a regular expression into an automaton:
use fst::{IntoStreamer, Set};
use regex_automata::dense; // regex-automata crate with 'transducer' feature
fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let set = Set::from_iter(&["FoO", "Foo", "fOO", "foo"])?;
let pattern = r"(?i)foo";
// Setting 'anchored' is important, otherwise the regex can match anywhere
// in the key. This would cause the regex to iterate over every key in the
// FST set.
let dfa = dense::Builder::new().anchored(true).build(pattern).unwrap();
let keys = set.search(&dfa).into_stream().into_strs()?;
assert_eq!(keys, vec!["FoO", "Foo", "fOO", "foo"]);
println!("{:?}", keys);
请注意,要使其正常工作,regex-automata crate 必须在transducer下启用编译:
Note that for this to work, the regex-automata crate must be compiled with the transducer feature enabled:
fst = "0.4"
regex-automata = { version = "0.1.9", features = ["transducer"] }
示例:有效地搜索多个集合 Example: searching multiple sets efficiently
Since queries can search a transducer without reading the entire data structure into memory, it is possible to search many transducers very quickly.
这个 crate 提供了有效的 set/map 操作,允许组合多个搜索结果流。每个操作只使用与流数量成比例的内存。
This crate provides efficient set/map operations that allow one to combine multiple streams of search results. Each operation only uses memory proportional to the number of streams.
下面的示例显示了如何查找所有以B or G开头的key。下面的示例使用集合,但map上也可以使用相同的操作。
The example below shows how to find all keys that start with B or G. The example below uses sets, but the same operations are available on maps too.
use fst::automaton::{Automaton, Str};
use fst::set;
use fst::{IntoStreamer, Set, Streamer};
fn example() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let set1 = Set::from_iter(&["AC/DC", "Aerosmith"])?;
let set2 = Set::from_iter(&["Bob Seger", "Bruce Springsteen"])?;
let set3 = Set::from_iter(&["George Thorogood", "Golden Earring"])?;
let set4 = Set::from_iter(&["Kansas"])?;
let set5 = Set::from_iter(&["Metallica"])?;
// Create the matcher. We can reuse it to search all of the sets.
let matcher = Str::new("B")
// Build a set operation. All we need to do is add a search result stream
// for each set and ask for the union. (Other operations, like intersection
// and difference are also available.)
let mut stream =
// Now collect all of the keys. Alternatively, you could build another set
// here using `SetBuilder::extend_stream`.
let mut keys = vec![];
while let Some(key) = stream.next() {
assert_eq!(keys, vec![
"Bob Seger",
"Bruce Springsteen",
"George Thorogood",
"Golden Earring",
An important advantage of using finite state transducers to represent sets and maps is that they can compress very well depending on the distribution of keys. The smaller your set/map is, the more likely it is that it will fit into memory. If it’s in memory, then searching it is faster. Therefore, it is important to do what we can to limit what actually needs to be in memory.
This is where automata shine, because they can be queried in their compressed state without loading the entire data structure into memory. This means that one can store a set/map created by this crate on disk and search it without actually reading the entire set/map into memory. This use case is served well by memory maps, which lets one assign the entire contents of a file to a contiguous region of virtual memory.
Indeed, this crate encourages this mode of operation. Both sets and maps can be constructed from anything that provides an AsRef<[u8]> implementation, which any memory map should.
This is particularly important for long running processes that use this crate, since it enables the operating system to determine which regions of your finite state transducers are actually in memory.
Of course, there are downsides to this approach. Namely, navigating a transducer during a key lookup or a search will likely follow a pattern approximating random access. Supporting random access when reading from disk can be very slow because of how often seek must be called (or, in the case of memory maps, page faults). This is somewhat mitigated by the prevalence of solid state drives where seek time is eliminated. Nevertheless, solid state drives are not ubiquitous and it is possible that the OS will not be smart enough to keep your memory mapped transducers in the page cache. In that case, it is advisable to load the entire transducer into your process’s memory (e.g., calling Set::new with a Vec).
流 Streams
搜索集合或map需要提供某种方式来迭代搜索结果。惯用的Rust 要求在Iterator这里使用满足特征的东西。不幸的是,这不可能有效地完成。因为该Iterator特征不允许迭代器发出的值从迭代器借用。在我们的例子中需要从迭代器中借用,因为keys和values是在迭代期间构造的。
Searching a set or a map needs to provide some way to iterate over the search results. Idiomatic Rust calls for something satisfying the Iterator trait to be used here. Unfortunately, this is not possible to do efficiently because the Iterator trait does not permit values emitted by the iterator to borrow from the iterator. Borrowing from the iterator is required in our case because keys and values are constructed during iteration.
Namely, if we were to use iterators, then every key would need its own allocation, which could be quite costly.
相反,这个 crate 提供了一个Streamer,它可以被认为是一个流iterator。也就是说,这个 crate 中的一个流维护一个单独的key缓冲区,并在每次迭代时将其借出。
Instead, this crate provides a Streamer, which can be thought of as a streaming iterator. Namely, a stream in this crate maintains a single key buffer and lends it out on each iteration.
有关更多详细信息,包括重要限制,请参阅Streamer trait。
For more details, including important limitations, see the Streamer trait.
特别之处 Quirks
毫无疑问,有限状态转换器是一种特殊的数据结构。它们有许多不适用于标准库中其他类似数据结构的限制,例如BTreeSet和 BTreeMap. 这里是其中的一些:
There’s no doubt about it, finite state transducers are a specialty data structure. They have a host of restrictions that don’t apply to other similar data structures found in the standard library, such as BTreeSet and BTreeMap. Here are some of them:
集合只能包含字节字符串的keys。 Sets can only contain keys that are byte strings.
map也只能包含字节字符串的keys,其值仅限于u64位整数。(也许有一天会放宽对值的限制。) Maps can also only contain keys that are byte strings, and its values are limited to unsigned 64 bit integers. (The restriction on values may be relaxed some day.)
创建集合或map需要按字典顺序插入key。通常,key尚未排序,这会使构建大型集合或map变得棘手。一种方法是对数据片段进行排序并为每个片段构建一个集合/map。这可以简单地并行化。完成后,如果需要,它们可以合并到一个大集合/map中。fst-bin/src/merge.rs是从这个crate的存储库的根目录可以看到这个过程的一个有点简单的例子 。
Creating a set or a map requires inserting keys in lexicographic order. Often, keys are not already sorted, which can make constructing large sets or maps tricky. One way to do it is to sort pieces of the data and build a set/map for each piece. This can be parallelized trivially. Once done, they can be merged together into one big set/map if desired. A somewhat simplistic example of this procedure can be seen in fst-bin/src/merge.rs from the root of this crate’s repository.